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Feminine Magic

Ancestress Witch Wisdom

deer by stream illustration

Once upon
a time

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Once upon
a time

Ancestress Magic is the path that the witches walked. It is the luminous magic of the Ancient Mothers that lives inside us. It is the wild path, the mystical deer trods that lead into the dark woods of our DNA where the Old Witch might wake you up – or eat you. Depending on how she feels, and how smart you are. Ancestress magic is the red thread that links all our wombs together since the start of time, it is our motherline, our distaff legacy. It brings us cunning, devotion and magic.

This feminine magic is rooted in worship of the land spirit and the stones, wells, circles, springs, and trees that the Good Folk guard, and the ceremonial sites of our body that also guide us. We are sacred maps.

It is a descending path of the crossroads, the elemental cross, where the four alchemical elements meet in a portal. This spinning wheel of wisdom initiates us.

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Heaven did not seem to be my home; and I broke my heart with weeping to come back to earth; and the angels were so angry that they flung me out into the middle of the heath on the top of Wuthering Heights; where I woke sobbing for joy.”

Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

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Witch Wisdom

Come inside, pour yourself a cup of tea and meet my ancestral lineage of Mam Tor.

Mam tor -
Land of the Grail

The Old North of England is home to the feminine rites of the Goddess of the Grail. Shall we meet her?

illustration of witch and cat

Artist @ladypaulinafae

Enchantress Archetype:
The Return of Feminine Magic

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I believe that our era is one of the Return of the Feminine Magician, symbolized in the Tarot by the High Priestess or the Papesse (female pope). For me this archetype resonates with the path of the Artist - be it words, ideas, poems, artworks, designs, crafts, creations - with a bit of Trickster spirit sprinkled on. In the western witch traditions, Trickster represents moving energy, contradiction, paradox, teachings, laughter, foxiness, the power of being unruly, and opening to creations that initiate and grow you.

For me, the Archetypes of the Feminine Magician, as Artist & Trickster & Enchantress, are rebels, rulebreakers, magicians and mischief makers, who dance to a cosmic mythic tune, with their roots deep down in the wild muck and magic of the earth realm.

We humans, with our short teeny-tiny lifespans, often tend towards hubris and pomposity, with foolish thoughts of saving the ancient billions-of-years-old earth, and saving ourselves. Meanwhile, the Artist-Trickster-Goddess is more pragmatic, more creative, more canny; The Feminine Magician/Artist within listens and births what it receives, for no reason other than it feels good. This pleasure in creating, bonds us to the pleasure-pulse that creates life. This is abundance.

Sometimes, in that playing with this fire, we become a channel for a whole new flame. And that flame can be wild and grand or plain and cosy; because as mistresses of domestic alchemy, we also see the grail in a warm cup of tea, and polish our arts by the ordinary magic of daily life. Our magic is humble yet vast.

In the modern world, we have a shortage of feminine Magician/Trickster energy - the dark, deep, feminine, the witty, wise witch-wolf in the woods, the glamor goddess on the red couch who might just initiate you into your wild side, and give you the ride of your life. The enchantress who is spinning a right old yarn of life-force into pure gold. It's the wild side of the Holy Spirit, who might just give you a cheeky wink, and pick your pocket as she awakens you. Sophia is wise, and silver-tongued.

The feminine is dark, cyclical, humorous, down to earth, practical. She has to be. She weaves life into being - the ultimate work of art - and then nourishes it with daily magic, pouring from her breasts, cooking on her stove, sewn into pillows for dreaming on, bleeding to renew.

Art is magical – it is energizing, inventive, utterly surprising, catalyzing, infuriating, it makes us curious. it is hopeful, even if riddled in despair and pain. It helps our long-forgotten sleeping Dragon to open its primal eyes again. it is the greatest of human alchemies, it opens doorways where others see only limits, dead ends and walls. It cannot be tamed, or safe, or caged.

It asks us to birth a vision that lives inside us; not the perfect or pure one. But the wild one, the true one, the raw one. The vision that is doused in our experience and grief and beauty. Our incandescence is made of chaos.

This feminine magic, the Archetype of the Feminine Magician, is waking up right now. She is made for these times, perfectly able to walk with duality and spin it back together into gold. She is a wild spirit weaver of worlds.

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Enchantress Archetype:
The Return of Feminine Magic

Blood Moon:
Feminine Magician, Midnight Spells, Initiation, Strength

Milk Moon:
Domestic Witch, Stirring, Sewing, Stitching, Village News

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There are no beginnings or endings; only portals, gateways: Dark Moon, New Moon, Full Moon. Fairytales are old scripture, lore carried over time, words whose worlds have been forgotten. Witches fly us into the Dark Moon for wisdom; the Grail Maiden helps us shine like the Full Moon. The wild witch archetype Initiates us, and the shining maiden archetype integrates us.

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spirit weaver book by seren bertrand
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Wisdom Teachings from the Feminine Path of Magic